
Patient Treatment Instructions

Botox/Dysport Patient Care Instructions

Given the increased likelihood of bruising and swelling, please schedule any treatments 2 weeks before any major social engagement.

Please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements including Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Gingko, Turmeric, and other supplements at least 2 weeks prior to the appointment. The likelihood of bruising is high when taking these medications. Please consult with your healthcare provider if you have been prescribed anti-coagulants and let us know prior to injections. Do not stop taking your prescribed blood-thinning medication!

Please refrain from alcoholic beverages 5-7 days prior to treatment. Alcohol increases the risk of bruising. 
Arnica Montana and Bromelain oral supplements can be taken 5-7 days before and after treatment to assist in healing and to minimize bruising. 

Do not schedule any treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact our office with questions.

Please refrain from lying down or applying pressure to the area for four hours after treatment.

No exercise for 24 Hours.

No hats, headbands, or facial/body massages for 3 days.

No facial waxing or similar appointment for 3 days.

Please allow 2 weeks for full treatment results. Certain muscle groups in the face respond quicker than others. No touch-ups before 2 weeks.

Touch-ups can occur at the 2-4 week mark and no later.

Bruising is not uncommon. The use of Arnica and Bromelain can facilitate bruise healing.

Do not schedule any treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact our office with questions.

Dermal Fillers Patient Care Instructions

Given the increased likelihood of bruising and swelling, please schedule any treatments 2 weeks before any major social engagement.

Please notify our office if you are prone to cold sores/fever blisters. We will be happy to prescribe appropriate medication to decrease the incidence of occurrence.

Please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements including Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Gingko, Turmeric, and other supplements at least 2 weeks prior to the appointment. The likelihood of bruising is high when taking these medications. Please consult with your healthcare provider if you have been prescribed anti-coagulants and let us know prior to injections. Do not stop taking your prescribed blood-thinning medication!

Please refrain from alcoholic beverages 5-7 days prior to treatment. Alcohol increases the risk of bruising.
Arnica Montana and Bromelain oral supplements can be taken 5-7 days before and after treatment to assist in healing and to minimize bruising. 
Avoid all DENTAL visits (including routine cleanings) two weeks prior to and two weeks after treatment. This can lead to infection in treatment areas.
Please allow 6 weeks before or after vaccines for any treatment.

Please cancel any dermal filler injectable treatment if you are experiencing any illness of any kind as this can lead to infection or adverse side effects after treatment.

Do not schedule any treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact our office with questions.

Avoid makeup application for 12 hours as well as touching the face except with clean hands. Ensure clean brushes and sponges when makeup is applied. Please ensure your phone is clean after treatment. 
Sleep elevated and on your back for 48 hours to alleviate swelling. 
Tylenol can be taken for discomfort. 
After injections, you may experience reported side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, and tenderness in treatment areas. These reactions are normal and usually resolve within a few days.

Gentle cold compress may be used after treatment to reduce bruising and swelling. Be sure to use a clean washcloth between your skin and cold compress.

Please avoid touching the treatment area within 6 hours. After this, the area can be cleaned gently with soap and water.

While redness, swelling, and bruising are present, avoid exercise, steam, or intense heat as these will elongate the healing process.

Avoid acids, peels, or exfoliants in the treatment area for 24-48 hours.

Avoid exercise, alcohol, and extreme heat or cold for 48 hours after treatment.

Please refrain from any facial treatments to the treatment area for 14 days.

Should you feel any lumps or bumps in the treatment area once the swelling has subsided, it is recommended to gently massage the area with clean fingers.

Follow-up is recommended 2 weeks from the appointment.


Sculptra Patient Care Instructions

Given the increased likelihood of bruising and swelling, please schedule any treatments 2 weeks before any major social engagement.

Please notify our office if you are prone to cold sores/fever blisters. We will be happy to prescribe appropriate medication to decrease the incidence of occurrence.

Please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements including Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Gingko, Turmeric, and other supplements at least 2 weeks prior to the appointment. The likelihood of bruising is high when taking these medications. Please consult with your healthcare provider if you have been prescribed anti-coagulants and let us know prior to injections. Do not stop taking your prescribed blood-thinning medication!

Please refrain from alcoholic beverages 5-7 days prior to treatment. Alcohol increases the risk of bruising. 
Arnica Montana and Bromelain oral supplements can be taken 5-7 days before and after treatment to assist in healing and to minimize bruising. 

Avoid all DENTAL visits (including routine cleanings) two weeks prior to and two weeks after treatment. This can lead to infection in treatment areas.

Please allow 6 weeks before or after vaccines for any treatment.

Please cancel any injectable treatment if you are experiencing any illness of any kind as this can lead to infection or adverse side effects after treatment.

Do not schedule any treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact our office with questions.

Do massage the treated areas using the 5/5/5 rule: 5 times a day, for 5 minutes a day, for 5 days. This is crucial to your treatment results.

Do hold cold compresses on the treated areas gently for about 3-5 minutes a few times the day of treatment. Ensure cold packs are wrapped in cloth and not applied directly to the skin. This will help with tenderness and expected swelling.

Treated areas may be swollen, red, and bruised for the first several days.

Please refrain from any facial treatments to the treatment area for 7 days.

Avoid acids, peels, or exfoliants to the treatment area for 24-48 hours.

Avoid exercise, alcohol, and extreme heat or cold for 48 hours after treatment.

If bruising occurs, Arnica and Bromelain can facilitate healing.

A few days after treatment with Sculptra, you will look as you did before treatment, as the fluid resorbs. This is NORMAL. Over time, Sculptra will stimulate and replace collagen.

Sculptra treatments are spaced 4 weeks apart.

Visible results may not be seen until 2-3 treatments have been completed.

Results can last up to 2 years.

Avoid makeup application for 12 hours as well as touching the face except with clean hands. Ensure clean brushes and sponges when makeup is applied. Please ensure your phone is clean after treatment. 

Sleep elevated and on your back for 48 hours to alleviate swelling. 

Tylenol can be taken for discomfort. 



SKINPEN Microneedling Patient Care Instructions

Please notify our office if you are prone to cold sores/fever blisters. We will be happy to prescribe appropriate medication to decrease the incidence of occurrence.

Avoid any auto-immune therapies 24 hours before the appointment.

Avoid direct sun exposure resulting in sunburn 48 hours prior to the procedure.

Discontinue the use of retinols 3 days prior to treatment.

Avoid neuromodulator (Botox and Dysport) and filler treatments two weeks before and after treatment.

Avoid neuromodulator (Botox and Dysport) and filler treatments two weeks prior to treatment.

If on Accutane, please schedule microneedling treatments after discontinuing for 6 months.

Do not schedule any treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact our office with questions.

After treatment, your skin may appear red or sunburned. This dissipates over the next several hours into the following day. Your skin may feel tight, warm, and itchy.
Remember to use clean hands and clean makeup tools after treatment.
Do not submerge in pools, baths, or lakes/oceans for 48 hours. 
Do not apply makeup or anything other than HG Lift gel to treatment areas for 24 hours after treatment.
Apply HG Lift gel as needed for soothing immediately after treatment and throughout 24 hours after treatment.
Only use distilled/filtered water to rinse your face on the evening of treatment. No cleansers. Only use your hands for cleansing. NO washcloths.

Avoid overheating (exercise) for 72 hours after treatment as well as direct sun exposure.

Use physical sunscreen only during the 7 days after treatment (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide), not chemical sunscreen.

Do not use glycolic, retinols, exfoliators, or anti-aging care products until at least 7 days after treatment.

Do not pick skin.

Most patients will need a series of treatments (3-4) spaced every 4-6 weeks. It will take 3-6 months to notice the full effects of treatment.

Contact our office if the treatment area becomes more red, tender, swollen, or other concerning symptoms occur.

PRP/Natural Growth Factor Patient Care Instructions


Please notify our office if you are prone to cold sores/fever blisters. We will be happy to prescribe appropriate medication to decrease the incidence of occurrence.

Please drink plenty of water the day before and the day of your treatment. Dehydration makes the blood draw more difficult and will yield less plasma.

Avoid NSAIDs (Aleve, Ibuprofen, Naproxen) and Aspirin for 7 days prior to your treatment. Please get doctor’s approval if you are required to take daily. It is ok to take Tylenol.

Avoid herbal supplements 7 days prior to your treatment.

If having PRP injections to the scalp, please do not dye your hair 24 hours prior to treatment.

Do not schedule any treatments if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact our office with questions.

Avoid NSAIDs (Aleve, Ibuprofen, Naproxen) and Aspirin on the day of your treatment. Please get doctor’s approval if you are required to take daily. It is ok to take Tylenol.

If you have any discomfort, it is ok to use ice or take Tylenol.

It is ok to shampoo the hair gently on the same day as your scalp procedure. Do not dye your hair 24 hours after treatment.

The areas treated may be tender to touch for up to 72 hours.

You may notice bruising to treatment areas. This is normal and will resolve in 1-2 weeks.

Most patients for scalp treatment for hair restoration will need a series of 6 treatments as well as maintenance treatments to optimize results.

Contact our office if the treatment area becomes more red, tender, swollen, or other concerning symptoms occur.

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